Learn ho to repurpose candle jars into cocktail glasses

Turn your candle jars into high quality cocktail glasses

How to Clean Your Cocktail Glass

Your beautiful candle jars are also high quality Libbey cocktail glasses in 8 oz and 13.5 oz sizes. What better way to enjoy your candles than to recycle them into drinking glasses! 

Once you’ve melted all the wax in your cocktail glass candle, and there’s nothing left to burn it’s time to clean your glass properly so that you can start to use it for your own personal happy hour. 

Method 1: Hair Dryer

When you use a hair dryer to remove the last of the wax from your candle you heat the bottom and sides of the glass until the wax melts enough to drain from the glass. After you use the hair dryer method to remove as much of the wax as you can, it’s a good idea to follow up with a wash in warm, soapy water.  You may want to have some paper towels on hand to soak up the melted wax.  After this you may need to move on to method 2 to remove the small film of wax that remains.


Method 2:Warm/Hot, Soapy Water

In order to use warm, soapy water to remove waxy residue from your empty cocktail glass candle jar, simply wash the glass in warm/hot, soapy water until there is no more residue left, then rinse. Since you’ll be using the glass for drinking, wash it one more time for good measure, and then you’re good to go!  These glasses are also dishwasher safe!


Method 3: The Freezer

If after you have enjoyed your candle, you may find that you have more than a small amount of wax in the jar. In order to easily remove chunks of wax from your candle jar simply chill it in the freezer for several hours. Then you can chip remaining wax from the glass with a spoon. 

If the label still remains after washing, soaking it in rubbing alcohol while pealing or scraping lightly should remove it.

When you’re done, you may need additional follow up with methods 1 or 2.

Now enjoy those drinks!

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